Heather Feather, our HMS Leigh family history research expert published an article in the Essex Society for Family History magazine this month (if you are interested in local history would recommend joining the ESFH currently it’s a steal at £8 a year) on finding Mona Budd, our mystery catering genius who was credited by AP Herbert as the real power in the department on HMS Leigh that fed and watered everyone civilian and military. She heard back from someone whose Mum, Francis Mary Smee (later she married Thomas William Goddard) worked at The Grosvenor café in the 1930s and she has shared this wonderful photograph of the staff at the time. We believe that Mona is in this picture – we think she’s the lady on the far left. Francis Mary Smee is on the far right with the big white collar. Thanks to both Heather and the daughter of Francis Smee.
